I am investigating the feasibility of overriding the Context Aware values using OSGi configurations as stated in this document https://sling.apache.org/documentation/bundles/context-aware-configuration/context-aware-configurati...
Essentially this is for having different values based on run mode configurations. Not for production environment.
For example, I am taking the a sample implementation created by Jörg here. If I want to overwrite the value of the property 'approverGroup' in caconfig file following the above doc by providing a run mode config for the factory for e.g org.apache.sling.caconfig.impl.override.OsgiConfigurationOverrideProvider-test1. Is the value for 'overrides' property something like this to do the job. I tried below and it doesn't seem to work. Or am I missing something else?
[/content/test/en]de.joerghoh.cqdump.caconfig.workflow.CaConfigParticipantStepChooserConfig/approverGroup =osgi-approver
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The correct config is as following to override via OSGi
Corrected the answer as the fix was to change the quotes after the equals sign.
Both Context aware config and osgi config are different. Context aware config works based on path and OSGi config based on repo/web console value.
But whenever you wanna use CAC there you can make a check for user/group to use OSGi config instead of CAC.
Hi Arun,
I agree with you that both are different and the context of its usage.
However it is stated in sling documentation that we can override the ca config values using osgi config in non prod environments. I've tried that but I could not make it work in my local by using the above config. My concern if the factory config I am using to override is correct and if the value format is correct
Best Regards
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The correct config is as following to override via OSGi
Corrected the answer as the fix was to change the quotes after the equals sign.