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AntiSamy XSS Rules for Media Queries


Level 2

I am trying to allow users to publish HTML and CSS content in content fragments. The users are finding that important pieces of their CSS/HTML is being stripped out, in particular media queries/responsive codes.
Does anyone have any guidance for writing AntiSamy config.xml's that will pass the CSS (and HTML) in the spoiler tags below? Shown below are a before and after of the HTML/CSS when it's run through an AntiSamy config.xml that I customized slightly to at least preserve the html, head, and meta tags. I can't find any documentation on allowing more complicated CSS styling like this. Note that in particular, all the screen/@media sections are removed.

As a side question, is anyone familiar with ways of disabling XSS protection partially or completely to bypass the content fragment filtering? The way we are managing and authoring our content means that XSS is not relevant to our AEM use case.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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6 Replies


Community Advisor

Why are you using internal CSS instant referencing using a path or clientlibs?

Arun Patidar


Level 2
I'm sorry, could you explain a bit more what you mean? We aren't using any internal CSS referencing, unless I'm misunderstanding your question. The stylesheet is all inline.


Community Advisor
Yes, I meant why are you using css directly inside <style> tag (internal css) instead of using clienlibs? inline(css used by style attribute in HTML elemen) css would not be having any issue.

Arun Patidar


Level 2
How would (relatively) non-technical users input their CSS to client libs? Wouldn't that require access to our AEM project? The HTML/CSS is being written by people that just have author access to the content fragments and is generally very diverse in contents.


Level 2

Adding one comment to clarify - We've determined that this issue may not be specific to content fragments. Rather, the Rich Text Editor feature used within content fragments may be what's triggering the XSS scan.