We are excited to announce the FeatureBit. It is a project to redefine the customer experience of posting Experience Manager features requests to the Product Team. This is the initiative with the goal of implementing a whole new avenue for the customers/partners to submit Feature Enhancements (RFEs) via the Experience League AEM Community.
Date to look for: We are going Live on 28th September 2020 at 1:00 pm PST in the AEM Community.
What is changing for you?
- Use of AEM Community as a platform to submit the new Ideas/Feature Requests instead of AEM Support
- Increase participation of Product Management to the customer Ideas in the community
How to post and see the ideas?
- Go to AEM Community -> Select “Ideas” Tab -> Click on “Share An Idea” [This would get enabled on 28th Sep 2020]
What all are the states of an Idea?
- If an Idea is labeled, “New” in the Community, that means that it still needs an initial triage and its under review by the "Review Board"
- If an Idea is labeled “Need Info” in the Community, that means Review Board would ask for more information from the Author
- If an Idea is labeled “Investigating” in the Community, that means PM is reviewing it
- f an Idea is labeled “Duplicate” in the Community, that means Review Board has identified it as an existing/duplicate idea and notify Author about the state
- If an Idea is labeled “Declined” in the Community, that means Review Board notify Author about the declined state and the reason for it
- If an Idea is labeled “Approved” in the Community, that means Review Board keeps eye on the Internal ticket and notify the Author about the state change
- If an Idea is labeled “Delivered” in the Community, that means the Review Board would notify the Author about the new state.
Experience Manager Community SLA's
There would be no priority classification in submitted ideas as we have for support tickets/cases. A community is a platform to generate crowdsource content and to hear customer’s product suggestions. It should be kept separate (in perception) from the existing support channel. It is by the members and for the members.
Few Pointers:
- Acknowledge all the new Ideas submitted within a week – performed by the review board
- Provide a meaningful monthly update on the thread for RFEs in the “Investigating” state – performed by the review board
- Seek and follow up monthly on the information requested from customers for RFEs in “Need more Info” state – performed by the review board
- Community Ideas will not guarantee to get your Idea definitely implemented in the solution
Please feel free to reach out to @kautuk_sahni OR @hamidk92094312 for any questions and concerns related to this.
PS: Please help us spread this news with your peers and management in your organization.
Thanking you
Kautuk Sahni