Hello, I'm a developer and got stuck with a few setbacks in my project:
I'm using Angular SPA + AEM 6.5.
Setup: https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-learn/spa-angular-tutorial/overview.html
Q1) I wanted to add multiple responsive grids on the same page, which would be parallel to each other.
USE CASE: If I move a component from one container into another the component style should automatically change depending on its position in different layout containers.
Q2) I wanted to add background color inside the layout container.
USE CASE: if I add a component inside a layout container and resize the component in half the size of the screen I want the rest half (the empty half of the screen) to display that background color which I select using a color-picker.
Q3) I want to add a layout container inside a component:
USE CASE: If I add a layout container inside a color picker component, it should be able to hold other components that can be added inside it.