Hi All,
In AEM 6.3 when i am trying to add special character in alt text field for a link in RTE, the hover functionality stops working and I don't see any alt text.When I have inspected <a> tag, I found that the title attribute from <a> tag is completely removed due to special character.Is there any way I can add special characters like '?',copyright in alt text.To render the RTE content to page I am using context as 'html' .
Thanks in advance.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Instead of using @ context = 'unsafe', it's good to use AntiSamy configuration file in CRXDE light to handle your use-case.
We've tested your use-case and it got resolved after following the below steps:
1) Copy /libs/cq/xssprotection/config.xml to /apps/cq/xssprotection/config.xml.
2) Open /apps/cq/xssprotection/config.xml.
3) In the config.xml file, search for common-attributes and add the following target attribute declaration.
<attribute name="title">
<regexp value="[a-zA-Z0-9-_\$]+" />
4) Search for the term <tag name="a" in the config.xml file.
5) Add the line below in the list of attributes:
<attribute name="title" />
6) Save the file. Now, test your use-case and the issue should be resolved.
Sample output:
You can also find above steps in adobe helpx docs:
XSS Filter issue with the target attribute of the a tag
Hope this helps!
I do not think Special chars are supported in this use case.
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Is there any other way we can use special characters in alt text without using context as unsafe.
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NOt that I am aware of. I avoid using special chars as much as possible,
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Instead of using @ context = 'unsafe', it's good to use AntiSamy configuration file in CRXDE light to handle your use-case.
We've tested your use-case and it got resolved after following the below steps:
1) Copy /libs/cq/xssprotection/config.xml to /apps/cq/xssprotection/config.xml.
2) Open /apps/cq/xssprotection/config.xml.
3) In the config.xml file, search for common-attributes and add the following target attribute declaration.
<attribute name="title">
<regexp value="[a-zA-Z0-9-_\$]+" />
4) Search for the term <tag name="a" in the config.xml file.
5) Add the line below in the list of attributes:
<attribute name="title" />
6) Save the file. Now, test your use-case and the issue should be resolved.
Sample output:
You can also find above steps in adobe helpx docs:
XSS Filter issue with the target attribute of the a tag
Hope this helps!
Techaspect Solutions -- great answer!