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Allowing anonymous access is not working


Level 5

In the 'apache sling authentication service' configuration bundle one can specify pages under authentication requirements. You can allow anonymous access of pages here as the dialog states:

I am trying to share asset links to external entities as stated here (Asset link sharing ):

Screen Shot 2017-12-06 at 12.21.49.png

Here is my 'apache sling authentication service' configuration

Screen Shot 2017-12-06 at 12.24.38.png

As you can see I provided 2 absolute url's (not sure if the .html extension is required or not) but this is not working, is still get redirected to the login page. Am I doing something wrong?

11 Replies


Level 10

Are you following the DOC exactly as written?


Level 5

Yes I am


Level 10

Another option you can do is share them from Prod. I have done that in past as that seems to work better.


Level 10

I will also log a bug against this doc as it should work as documented.


Level 5

How do you mean share them from prod?


Level 10

You stated your goal was "share asset links to external entities"

If you publish them to Production, you can provide URLS to these assets and authen will not be required when an external resource - like a web site - accesses them via an URL.


Level 5

I know but they (business) like the fancy linkshare download interface


Level 5

Even when I do the following I cannot access localhost:4502/linkshare.html

Screen Shot 2017-12-14 at 13.47.59.png

Do I need to checkbox for this to work? Or what am I doing wrong?


Level 9


Firstly from screenshot the Configuration Binding is not bounded means not getting picked up at all.   Secondly it is configured for white board filter.  Need to fix those first.



Level 2

Can you exaplin how to fix them ?


Level 1

Hi Jdruwe

For the configuration to work follow the below steps:

1) Check the Allow Anonymous Access check box

2) In the Authentication requirement provide your content path prefixed by -/+ where -(minus) will remove the authentication for that path and +(plus) will enforce authentication for the specified path. eg: To allow anonymous access for the page at /content/project_name/page in the authentication requirement add the following -/content/project_name/page and to enforce authentication for the same page add +/content/project_name/page