Hi Guys, i am using AEM6.1 with MongoDB-3.4.2 versions, facing AEM startup issue, bundles are showing active but AEM is not coming up. I followed below blog for the setup.
I am using MongoDB cluster, i am seeing below logs in the AEM start up which are related to mongodb, please let me know if i am missing something ?
These are mongodb instances -
mongod --dbpath node0/ --replSet aem6 --port 27017
mongod --dbpath node1/ --replSet aem6 --port 27018
mongod --port 27019 --dbpath arb0 --replSet aem6
r18.02.2017 22:07:38.525 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak-core Service [org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.security.authentication.AuthenticationConfigurationImpl,168, [org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.security.authentication.AuthenticationConfiguration, org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.security.SecurityConfiguration]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
18.02.2017 22:07:38.557 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreService Starting DocumentNodeStore with host=[localhost:27017, localhost:27018], db=aem-author, cache size (MB)=256, persistentCache=crx-quickstart/repository/cache,size=1024,binary=0, 'changes' collection size (MB)=256, blobCacheSize (MB)=16, maxReplicationLagInSecs=21600
18.02.2017 22:07:38.573 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreService Mongo Connection details MongoClientOptions{connectionsPerHost=100, connectTimeout=10000, socketTimeout=0, socketKeepAlive=false, autoConnectRetry=false, maxAutoConnectRetryTime=0, maxWaitTime=120000, threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier=100, readPreference=primary, writeConcern=WriteConcern { "getlasterror" : 1} / (Continue on error? false)}
18.02.2017 22:07:38.689 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.persistentCache.PersistentCache start version 1
18.02.2017 22:07:38.733 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.mongo.MongoDocumentStore Configuration maxReplicationLagMillis 21600000, maxDeltaForModTimeIdxSecs 60, disableIndexHint false
18.02.2017 22:07:38.749 *ERROR* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak-core [org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreService(37)] The activate method has thrown an exception (com.mongodb.CommandFailureException: { "serverUsed" : "localhost:27017" , "ok" : 0.0 , "errmsg" : "The field 'unique' is not valid for an _id index specification. Specification: { v: 2, name: \"_id_1\", ns: \"aem-author.blobs\", unique: true, key: { _id: 1 } }" , "code" : 197 , "codeName" : "InvalidIndexSpecificationOption"})
com.mongodb.CommandFailureException: { "serverUsed" : "localhost:27017" , "ok" : 0.0 , "errmsg" : "The field 'unique' is not valid for an _id index specification. Specification: { v: 2, name: \"_id_1\", ns: \"aem-author.blobs\", unique: true, key: { _id: 1 } }" , "code" : 197 , "codeName" : "InvalidIndexSpecificationOption"}
at com.mongodb.CommandResult.getException(CommandResult.java:76)
at com.mongodb.CommandResult.throwOnError(CommandResult.java:140)
at com.mongodb.DBCollectionImpl.createIndex(DBCollectionImpl.java:399)
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Hi Sandeep,
From the technical requirements documentation (https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/deploy/technical-requirements.html - look under Storage & Persistence ), looks like only MongoDB v2.6 and v3.0 are supported with certain caveats.
You can follow this link for setup instructions - http://www.codebrains.co.in/blog/posts/configuringAEMwithMongoMK.
I was able to successfully setup MongoMK with AEM 6.2 using the above instructions a couple of days back.
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Hi Sandeep,
From the technical requirements documentation (https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/deploy/technical-requirements.html - look under Storage & Persistence ), looks like only MongoDB v2.6 and v3.0 are supported with certain caveats.
You can follow this link for setup instructions - http://www.codebrains.co.in/blog/posts/configuringAEMwithMongoMK.
I was able to successfully setup MongoMK with AEM 6.2 using the above instructions a couple of days back.
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Thanks Naveen for your reply. I could able to setup it correctly after downgrade the MongoDB to 3.0 version, thanks for looking into the post.
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