Hi @bsr78033597
There is no OOTB option to decrypt the encrpted text from consoles. I would suggest if you really need this flexibility, you can do following:
- Register servlet using resourceType
- In servlet, you can pass encrypted text as some param like etext
- you can decrypt text in the servlet itself using Crypto Service and return the result as response like
private CryptoSupport cryptoSupport;
protected void doGet(SlingHttpServletRequest request, SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
String etext = request.getParameter("etext");
String dtext = this.cryptoSuport.unProtect(etext);
response.getWriter().write("Non Encrypted Text");
- Now create a node under /apps with property "sling:resourceType" equivalent to resource type with which your servlet was registerd. Creating it under apps will unsure that the servlet is only accessible to users with access to /apps read write.
- you can now call you utility like http://<host>:<port>/apps/decrypt?etext=<encrypted-text>
Hope it helps!