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AEM Target Integration - Custom Locations


Adobe Champion

Hi Guys,

I'm working on AEM-Target Integration for one of our clients.

AEM Version : 6.2 SP1 CFP14

Target library : Delivered through DTM

Implementation : at.js

I got AEM-Target Native Integration working using AEM Touch UI targeting mode (as per adobe docs), there are few issues for which I'm working with daycare at the moment.

Now the question is how do I achieve the following:

On the website pages, authors should be able to wrap the default content with mbox & provide the custom name(mbox name) for that location (in edit mode). This is required for activities that are created in Adobe Target.

- I tried both “Target” & “Adobe Target Mbox” component – both doesn’t seem to work.

- With Target component – I’m unable to add a default content to it. This works only when we are targeting mode in aem author.

- With Adobe Target Mbox component – It looks like it’s not compatible with at.js implementation. Leads to JS errors on the page.

Any suggestions on this? Is there any OOTB component available for touchui to achieve this?

What is the recommended Integration approach from Adobe perspective?

Thanks in advance.


Lingesh P.

2 Replies


Adobe Champion

Thanks smacdonald2008​.

I followed this document for creating activities in Targeting mode in AEM Author server.

My questions is more on how to get the traditional mbox component working in AEM 6.2 without using Targeting mode.