Another trip around the sun means it's time to submit ideas for AEM Rock Star, one of the top sessions at Adobe Summit. Once again, this effort will also include EMEA (later this year) - but first we have the North American event which will conclude with the session in Las Vegas in late March. We pay for your Summit pass.
So what is AEM Rock Star?
It's a session at Adobe Summit where selected participants "compete" for the title (and real prizes!) of AEM Rock Star. The first step is to come up with some sort of tip, idea, integration that will wow an audience and submit it to the official site (listed below). The submission doesn't have to be fully complete or finished by any means, but you will have to convince us that you can get it done in short order.
What are we looking for?
- Innovative ideas to current problems
- Cool integrations
- Customer reference-able ideas
- Live demos
- *new* Open sourced code
- Multi-Solution submissions
More details are available on the official site
Site: https://aemrockstar2020.attendease.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AEMRockstar
The submission period is limited. SUBMIT NOW.