I am trying to integrate Okta IAM with AEM publish environment. I am getting a few challenges in integration. so if anyone has done it in past or have any links, Please share the experiences or link. I am trying to restricting some child pages under the content path, not the whole content path. Few pages are gated content and while others are available for all.
1. Do I need to remove access permissions of Anonymous roles on gated content pages so that only authorised groups can access it? Do I need to introduce new groups who have read access to gated content and apply this group to authorised users so that they can see pages?
2. We have Dispatcher and cloud front cache enabled in our environment. Do we need set rules not to cache the gated pages or changes in bases pages so that no cache headers can be set in gated pages? any other way to achieve it without impacting the performances?
3. I am planning to use SAML for the same. Can I configure multiple entries in AEM for multiple service providers for multiple gated content paths?