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AEM - Marketo Integration


Level 3

Hello all,

So I started configuring AEM-Marketo connector and ended up with below issue

Screen Shot 2020-04-17 at 4.12.50 PM.png












Then I started with security checklist and found that x-frame-options is set to sameorigin.




So in-order to solve this I have below options to deal with clickjacking:

  1. Remove the X-frame-options header from slingmainservlet
  2. Install third party plugins on client machines similar to this or this -- this is not recommend for obvious reasons as this is a third party and we are installing on clients machine which will have access to user data
  3. Install legacy browser and use directive ALLOW-FROM  -- If you apply it and the browser does not support it, then you will have NO clickjacking defense in place. So a big NOPE

I couldn’t think of any other options unfortunately. Adobe amazes me everyday, they tell us about all these awesome security recommendations and they themselves never follow it, why even give a connector which works only as an iframe..

Browser: Firefox v75.0

AEM 6.5.2

Marketo Engage - latest (SAAS)


Any suggestions on how to address this issue.





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