I have a jar file of AEM 6.5. I created the two instances (author and publish) but when I start the jar file the crx quickstart folder is created, with the "logs" folder inside, and an empty "upgrade" notepad file.
It should be noted that before doing this I installed Maven on my pc.
Can anyone help me? I can't start AEM from my pc.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hello! I have resolved
1) I have edited the start.batch and corrected "publisher" in "publish"
2) I ahve edited the start.batch file in "MaxPermSize=512M" because my pc is 8 gb RAM
3) both start and quickstart changed in port 4503
So then i have been waiting a lot of time, but the publish now is live. This is my start.batch
@echo off
:: This script configures the start information for this server.
:: The following variables may be used to override the defaults.
:: For one-time overrides the variable can be set as part of the command-line; e.g.,
:: SET CQ_PORT=1234 & ./start.bat
::* TCP port used for stop and status scripts
if not defined CQ_PORT set CQ_PORT=4503
::* hostname of the interface that this server should listen to
:: if not defined CQ_HOST set CQ_HOST=4503
::* runmode(s)
::* will not be used if repository is already present
if not defined CQ_RUNMODE set CQ_RUNMODE=publish
::* name of the jarfile
:: if not defined CQ_JARFILE set CQ_JARFILE=
::* default JVM options
if not defined CQ_JVM_OPTS set CQ_JVM_OPTS=-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -Djava.awt.headless=true
::* add the required JPMS modules, if needed
java --add-modules java.se.ee --version > nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel% EQU 0 set CQ_JVM_OPTS=--add-modules java.se.ee %CQ_JVM_OPTS%
::* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
::* authentication
::* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
::* when using oak (crx3) authentication must be configured using the
::* Apache Felix JAAS Configuration Factory service via the Web Console
::* see http://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/security/authentication/externalloginmodule.html
::* use jaas.config (legacy: only used for crx2 persistence)
:: if not defined CQ_USE_JAAS set CQ_USE_JAAS=true
::* config for jaas (legacy: only used for crx2 persistence)
if not defined CQ_JAAS_CONFIG set CQ_JAAS_CONFIG=etc\jaas.config
::* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
::* persistence mode
::* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
::* the persistence mode can not be switched for an existing repository
set CQ_RUNMODE=%CQ_RUNMODE%,crx3,crx3tar
:: set CQ_RUNMODE=%CQ_RUNMODE%,crx3,crx3mongo
::* settings for mongo db
:: if not defined CQ_MONGO_HOST set CQ_MONGO_HOST=
:: if not defined CQ_MONGO_PORT set CQ_MONGO_PORT=27017
:: if not defined CQ_MONGO_DB set CQ_MONGO_DB=aem6
::* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
::* CLDR
::* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
::* https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/intl/enhancements.8.html#cldr
if not defined CQ_USE_CLDR set CQ_USE_CLDR=true
::* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
::* do not configure below this point
::* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
chdir /D %~dp0
cd ..
if exist conf\controlport del conf\controlport
if not defined CQ_JARFILE for %%X in (app\*.jar) do set CQ_JARFILE=%%X
for %%* in (.) do set CurrDirName=%%~n*
cd ..
set START_OPTS=start -c %CurrDirName% -i launchpad
if defined CQ_RUNMODE set CQ_JVM_OPTS=%CQ_JVM_OPTS% -Dsling.run.modes=%CQ_RUNMODE%
if defined CQ_HOST set CQ_JVM_OPTS=%CQ_JVM_OPTS% -Dorg.apache.felix.http.host=%CQ_HOST%
if defined CQ_MONGO_HOST set START_OPTS=%START_OPTS% -Doak.mongo.host=%CQ_MONGO_HOST%
if defined CQ_MONGO_PORT set START_OPTS=%START_OPTS% -Doak.mongo.port=%CQ_MONGO_PORT%
if defined CQ_MONGO_DB set START_OPTS=%START_OPTS% -Doak.mongo.db=%CQ_MONGO_DB%
if defined CQ_USE_JAAS set CQ_JVM_OPTS=%CQ_JVM_OPTS% -Djava.security.auth.login.config=%CQ_JAAS_CONFIG%
if defined CQ_USE_CLDR set CQ_JVM_OPTS=%CQ_JVM_OPTS% -Djava.locale.providers=CLDR,JRE,SPI
set START_OPTS=%START_OPTS% -Dsling.properties=conf/sling.properties
if exist newTaskList.txt del newTaskList.txt
if exist oldTaskList.txt del oldTaskList.txt
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq java.exe" /NH > oldTaskList.txt
start "CQ" cmd.exe /C java %CQ_JVM_OPTS% -jar %CurrDirName%\%CQ_JARFILE% %START_OPTS%
timeout /T 1 /NOBREAK >nul
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq java.exe" /NH > newTaskList.txt
java -cp %~dp0 GetProcessID oldTaskList.txt newTaskList.txt java.exe > %CurrDirName%\conf\cq.pid
if exist newTaskList.txt del newTaskList.txt
if exist oldTaskList.txt del oldTaskList.txt
Thank you all!
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Hi, this Aravind
I am also facing the same problem.
above the solution I saw but I don't understand the start. the batch file can explain to me how to resolve the error
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