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AEM grid and boostrap


Level 1

Hi, Im started working with Editable templates and we already have our modules using Boostrap, couple of months ago I saw in one of the questions that there was a project that already customized the aem grid to follow the same styles as Boostrap but I was not able to find the link anymore, could someone have that project link to use it?

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3 Replies


Correct answer by
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@Angelger I think you are referring to below links, let me know if not




Community Advisor

Hey @Angelger ,

To get the layout features of AEM working with the bootstrap break points, I suggest you to play around with the grid.less, https://github.com/adobe/aem-guides-wknd/blob/main/ui.apps/src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/wknd/clien... and try to introduce some new break points that follows the same responsive patterns as the boot strap grid... in this case, you'd need to also adjust your emulators under /etc/mobile/groups, to introduce new breakpoints for the author's to configure into. 


Level 1

Thanks for your reply that link is also pretty helpful