Hi All,
We are seeing in our environments
22.01.2025 08:00:11.490 [cm-p10000-e100000-aem-author-bc5d5000d-bhfqz] *WARN* [sling-oak-observation-5] com.adobe.aem.sites.eventing.impl.producer.PageProducerStrategy Invalid change type detected: DUMMY
22.01.2025 08:00:11.518 [cm-p10000-e100000-aem-author-bc5d5000d-bhfqz] *WARN* [sling-oak-observation-5] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.query.QueryImpl Traversal query (query without index): SELECT * FROM [cq:Page] AS page INNER JOIN [cq:PageContent] AS pageContent ON ISCHILDNODE(pageContent, page) WHERE page.[jcr:path] LIKE '/content/brandX/sitemap_en.xml' AND (ISDESCENDANTNODE(page ,'/content') OR ISDESCENDANTNODE(page ,'/etc') OR ISDESCENDANTNODE(page ,'/conf')); called by com.adobe.aem.sites.eventing.impl.repository.PersistenceQueryManagerImpl.lambda$getPageDetails$3; consider creating an index
We tried to create a lucene index based on the above query but that also has not worked.
The query is not triggered by our custom code.
Checking the logs we can see the PageProducerStrategy detected a DUMMY change type which is invalid.
Not sure what exactly is causing this DUMMY event triggering but what is the best way to fix this?