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AEM Communities Get user's groups


Community Advisor

Hello All, I am using AEM 6.5.8 communities and in a regular component looking to get logged in user's community groups which they are part of.


I am looking at https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/6-5/sites/developing/using/reference-materials/javadoc/co...  and looks like I can use getMembersOfGroups() to get the (Community only) groups the user is a member of.


If I am using an HTL component and Model, how can I invoke the CommunityMemberUserProfile interface with the logged in user's perspective? @kautuk_sahni any Adobe AEM communities dev/expert that can be tagged here? I can't find any that helped in communities regards before.

4 Replies



I have asked the expert to assist you here.

Kautuk Sahni


Community Advisor
Thanks a lot Kautuk.


Level 1


You can use [1] to get CommunityMemberUserProfile like below :

CommunityMemberUserProfile userProfile = (CommunityMemberUserProfile)this.getSocialComponentForUserProfile(resource, request, "social/members/components/hbs/userprofile");

and then use userProfile to invoke getMembersOfGroups.



Community Advisor
@abhishek06 - Thanks a lot for the reply. Do I need to extend my Model to some Social class? How do I get to "this" [CommunityMemberUserProfileOperations] interface? Also the resource can be any component resource or has to be some specific resourcetype?