Hi All,
I am trying to customize the touch ui console of AEM cloud.
I tried overlaying libs to apps and imported into repository code but git cloud deployment is getting failed.
we know that we can not modify anything under /apps and /libs though the package.
Is there any way we can achieve it?
@Prince_Shivhare I hope you're keeping the custom code under ui.apps
What's the error in the logs?
Hi @Prince_Shivhare,
Can you confirm that you are not overlaying the /libs path which are of type/mixin - granite:FinalArea and/or granite:InternalArea
Content Classification in /libs for reference:
/libs/wcm/core/content/editor/jcr:content is of mixinType = granite:interalArea and shows like hidden in crxde so cannot be overlaid
Hello Everyone,
The solution for this thread is -
Since we cannot override the disabled folders from libs to apps.we will need to write the custom js for it with clientlib category of cq.authoring.dialog.
(function($, $document) {
"use strict";
$(document).on("click", ".js-editor-GlobalBar-previewTrigger", function(e) {
var protocol = window.location.protocol;
var hostname = window.location.hostname;
var pathname = window.location.pathname+"?wcmmode=disabled";
var url = protocol+"//"+hostname+pathname;
var disableUrl = url.replace('/editor.html/','/');
window.open(disableUrl, "_blank");
})($, $(document));