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AEM cloud Touch UI Console Customization


Community Advisor

Hi All,

I am trying to customize the touch ui console of AEM cloud.

I tried overlaying libs to apps and imported into repository code but git cloud deployment is getting failed.

we know that we can not modify anything under /apps and /libs though the package.


Is there any way we can achieve it?

6 Replies


Employee Advisor

@Prince_Shivhare  I hope you're keeping the custom code under ui.apps

What's the error in the logs?


Community Advisor
No Error on logs, once build is successful then failing during deployment.


Level 10

Hi @Prince_Shivhare,

Can you confirm that you are not overlaying the /libs path which are of type/mixin - granite:FinalArea and/or granite:InternalArea

Content Classification in /libs for reference:




Community Advisor
I am overriding this - /libs/wcm/core/content/editor/jcr:content/content/items/content/header/items/headerbar


Employee Advisor

/libs/wcm/core/content/editor/jcr:content is of mixinType = granite:interalArea and shows like hidden in crxde so cannot be overlaid




Community Advisor

Hello Everyone,
The solution for this thread is -
Since we cannot override the disabled folders from libs to apps.we will need to write the custom js for it with clientlib category of cq.authoring.dialog.

(function($, $document) {

"use strict";

$(document).on("click", ".js-editor-GlobalBar-previewTrigger", function(e) {
var protocol = window.location.protocol;
var hostname = window.location.hostname;
var pathname = window.location.pathname+"?wcmmode=disabled";
var url = protocol+"//"+hostname+pathname;
var disableUrl = url.replace('/editor.html/','/');

window.open(disableUrl, "_blank");


})($, $(document));