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AEM cloud dispatcher issue


Level 5
Hi Team,
I am getting this error while running the validator command. Any thoughts.
Cloud manager validator 2.0.23 2020/12/23 15:26:18 conf.d\available_vhosts\default.vhost:23: included file (conf.d\whitelists\000_base_whitelist.rules) does not match any known file.
I want to whitelist the ips on dispatcher level  hence created a 000_base_whitelist.rules file and added my ip's there but its not working

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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Employee Advisor


1. Yes the cloud manager validator would give an error in this case as only 'rewrites' and 'variables' files can be specified as includes vhost configuration files:


2. While converting from AMS to AEM cloud dispatcher, it is mentioned to "Remove allowlists"

- Remove the folder conf.d/whitelists and remove Include statements in the virtual host files referring to
some file in that subfolder.


3. You can refer/ use Dispatcher Converter Tool if trying to migrate from AMS dispatcher configs to AEM cloud:




View solution in original post

5 Replies


Community Advisor

did you included in ghost file with full path?


Include /etc/httpd/conf.d/whiltelists/000_base_whitelist.rules

(space between Include try with tab space also)



you can directly include it in respective domain vhost file and try (instead of default.vhost)


Level 5
Its not working . still getting the same error.


Correct answer by
Employee Advisor


1. Yes the cloud manager validator would give an error in this case as only 'rewrites' and 'variables' files can be specified as includes vhost configuration files:


2. While converting from AMS to AEM cloud dispatcher, it is mentioned to "Remove allowlists"

- Remove the folder conf.d/whitelists and remove Include statements in the virtual host files referring to
some file in that subfolder.


3. You can refer/ use Dispatcher Converter Tool if trying to migrate from AMS dispatcher configs to AEM cloud:





Level 5
Thanks for your reply.. I have already removed whitelist rules and include from vhost files..my question here is where we need to include whitelist ip address(more than 12 ips are there) and also we are not migrating from and to cloud manager..


Employee Advisor
@AEMLearner-1989 Okay I was answering 'why' the error. IP restriction rules through dispatcher virtual hosts are not supported in AEM cloud service. In AEM cloud, these are managed through the in-built CDN. Refer to the below link for creating an "IP Allow List" and applying it to specific environment, author/ publish service. You would need a "Business Owner" or "Deployment Manager" role for these self service steps. https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/onboarding/getting-access/i...