Overview The Assets HTTP API allows for create-read-update-delete (CRUD) operations on digital assets, including on metadata, on renditions, and on comments, together with structured content using Experience Manager Content Fragments. It is exposed at /api/assets and is implemented as REST API. It includes support for Content Fragments. To access the API: 1. Open the API service document at https://[hostname]:[port]/api.json . 2. Follow the Assets service link leading to https://[hostname]:[server]/api/assets.json. The API response is a JSON file for some MIME types and a response code for all MIME types. The JSON response is optional and may not be available, for example for PDF files. Rely on the response code for further analysis or actions.
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We're considering using this HTTP Assets API for Content Fragments. This API endpoint will be consumed by channels. (Apps, Salesforce etc). However this Assets API only captures metadata from the dc namespace. Metadata such as lastReplicated date is not captured. The need for this lastReplicated date is so that channels only retrieve the CF if it has changed, if not, the cached version at their end is used.
As I understand this OOTB Assts API cannot be customised. We're looking into other approaches but it seems an overkill to replicate this functionality with a lastReplicated date added. This would be a good feature add to consider.
Has this been raised before, or am I missing something? Would you have any suggestions?
@anjali_biddanda Thanks a lot for reaching out. Request you to please feature suggestions into the Ideas section of AEM [1]. I'll make sure relevant stakeholder checks it.
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