Hello Team,
How do we handle page activation custom event on AEM as CS ?. Like we were handling in version <= 6.5 sling event.
We are trying to do something on publishing/activating the page with event handler using EventConstants.EVENT_TOPIC + "=" + ReplicationAction.EVENT_TOPIC which works fine in local but not on Cloud.
Solved! Go to Solution.
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The replication mechanism itself is implemented differently in CS and SDK, but the event after having received an incoming replication should be identical.
@pradeepmoolemane Below code worked for us
@Component(immediate = true, property = { "event.topics=org/apache/sling/distribution/importer/package/imported",
"event.filter=(|(distribution.type=ADD)(distribution.type=DELETE))" })
public class SlingDistributionEventHandler implements EventHandler {
public static final String DISTRIBUTION_PATHS = "distribution.paths";
public void handleEvent(Event event) {
if (event.getProperty(DISTRIBUTION_PATHS) != null) {
String[] pagePath = (String[]) event.getProperty(DISTRIBUTION_PATHS);
Hi were you able to validate this in local SDK setup ?.
The replication mechanism itself is implemented differently in CS and SDK, but the event after having received an incoming replication should be identical.