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AEM 6.5 authentication error


Level 1

i am getting the error below continuously in the server log and i have enable debigging in the lc_turnkey.xml and standalone.xml files but it is not telling me anything.

15:36:04,931 WARN  [com.adobe.idp.um.businesslogic.authentication.AuthenticationManagerBean] (Thread-286) Authentication failed for user [author] (Scheme - Username/Password) Reason: Username or password is incorrect . Refer to debug level logs for category com.adobe.idp.um.businesslogic.authentication for further details

Does anyone have any ideas.


7 Replies



It shows a failed login attempt. Whats special about it ? Do you think this is not a correct entry in the log ?

Can you debug for the following package as instructed in the logs:



Level 1

Sorry, I should have elaborated on that.

I did not create a user named author and when I search for it in Users I don’t see anything.

am looking to find out where it is configured so I can  figure out why it is getting an authentication error.



Employee Advisor

Are you using SAML handler to configure authentication? Can you provide more details on the setup?


Level 3
I have been told that it is a bug in 6.5. They removed the author user but not the calls using it. It was supposed to be fixed in SP3 but I just installed that and it isn't fixed..


Level 1

So how do we fix this?



I can validate that after installing Forms Fix Pack https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-release-information/aem-release-updates/f... the issue has been resolved.


Make sure to update your EAR files redeploy and update the CRX repository and forms add on accordingly.


Level 2

Hi I just made a fresh install with newest version of AEM Forms JEE. It still have the problem. Does anyone know how to fix this?


I'cant understand that Adobe has not fixed this in 3-4 years.

this line from the log is appering every 30 second:

09:04:40,179 WARN [com.adobe.idp.um.businesslogic.authentication.AuthenticationManagerBean] (Thread-152) Authentication failed for user [author] (Scheme - Username/Password) Reason: Username or password is incorrect . Refer to debug level logs for category com.adobe.idp.um.businesslogic.authentication for further details