Hello everyone
I have configured the SAML2.0 following https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/administering/security/saml-2-0-authen... the ipd login page loads and send the post, then when the http://localhost:4503/content/xxx/saml_login is handled
gives me this response:
09.03.2023 19:46:02.576 *DEBUG* [qtp965154916-494780] org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator setAttributes: ResourceResolver stored as request attribute: user=admin 09.03.2023 19:46:33.765 *DEBUG* [qtp965154916-494880] org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.HttpBasicAuthenticationHandler forceAuthentication: Not forcing authentication because request parameter sling:authRequestLogin is not set 09.03.2023 19:46:33.765 *DEBUG* [qtp965154916-494880] org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator getAuthenticationInfo: no handler could extract credentials; assuming anonymous 09.03.2023 19:46:33.766 *DEBUG* [qtp965154916-494880] org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator doHandleSecurity: No credentials in the request, anonymous 09.03.2023 19:46:33.766 *INFO* [qtp965154916-494880] org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator getAnonymousResolver: Anonymous access not allowed by configuration - requesting credentials 09.03.2023 19:46:33.766 *DEBUG* [qtp965154916-494880] org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator login: requesting authentication using handler: com.adobe.granite.auth.saml.SamlAuthenticationHandler@2b7a2638 09.03.2023 19:46:33.777 *DEBUG* [qtp965154916-494880] com.adobe.granite.auth.saml.SamlAuthenticationHandler Private key of SP not provided: Cannot sign Authn request. 09.03.2023 19:46:33.777 *WARN* [qtp965154916-494880] org.apache.sling.auth.core.AuthUtil isRedirectValid: Redirect target must not be empty or null 09.03.2023 19:46:47.280 *DEBUG* [qtp965154916-494780] org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator doHandleSecurity: Trying to get a session for null 09.03.2023 19:46:47.287 *DEBUG* [qtp965154916-494780] org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator setAttributes: ResourceResolver stored as request attribute: user=admin
09.03.2023 19:46:57.899 *DEBUG* [qtp965154916-494880] org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator doHandleSecurity: Trying to get a session for null 09.03.2023 19:46:57.901 *DEBUG* [qtp965154916-494880] org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator setAttributes: ResourceResolver stored as request attribute: user=admin 09.03.2023 19:46:57.903 *DEBUG* [qtp965154916-485112] org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator doHandleSecurity: Trying to get a session for null 09.03.2023 19:46:57.904 *DEBUG* [qtp965154916-485112] org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator setAttributes: ResourceResolver stored as request attribute: user=admin 09.03.2023 19:48:58.069 *DEBUG* [qtp965154916-494880] org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator doHandleSecurity: Trying to get a session for null 09.03.2023 19:48:58.076 *DEBUG* [qtp965154916-494880] org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator setAttributes: ResourceResolver stored as request attribute: user=admin 09.03.2023 19:49:59.301 *DEBUG* [qtp965154916-494804] org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator doHandleSecurity: Trying to get a session for null 09.03.2023 19:49:59.321 *DEBUG* [qtp965154916-494804] org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator setAttributes: ResourceResolver stored as request attribute: user=admin
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The error in the screenshot you attached is a warning/error the browser is triggering because of the HTTP protocol, and it is not by AEM. As it is in your local, you can try disabling the "The information you're about to submit is not secure" by following this article - https://techcult.com/enable-or-disable-not-secure-warning-in-google-chrome/
After disabling the Secure Warning, if you still have an issue with the saml_login end-point, respond with the error log messages. The error log messages you mentioned in the question are unrelated, as the saml_login POST call didn't hit the AEM publish instance.
Thanks for the lead @Lokesh_Vajrala i have tried to allow unsecure content in local environment but it's not working.
The link you send me present some configurations that i can´t find in google and the plugin https is no longer available, the ones i found are de following:
Any other idea?