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AEM 6.4 /api/screens-dcc/devices/stati WARNING


Level 4
28.02.2019 12:46:00.026 *WARN* [ [1551375960022] GET /api/screens-dcc/devices/stati HTTP/1.1] com.adobe.granite.rest.impl.ResourceAdapterFactory Unable to handle adaptable com.adobe.cq.screens.impl.rest.DevicesStatiResource

Hi, does someone know how to get rid of this message?

7 Replies


Level 3

Hi ronnyfm

I believe the WARN message is displayed as soon as a screens replication agent is enabled and polling from author to publish begins. This seems to be a minor bug which is being reported to AEM Engineering already and is being worked upon.

If you're seeing a lot of them you can probably route them to a different log file by creating a separate logger to avoid clutter in the main log file.


Level 3

If Screens is not being used, a work around is to change the Author to Publish polling schedule so it occurs very infrequently. Create an OSGI Configuration on com.adobe.cq.screens.impl.jobs.DistributedDevicesStatiUpdateJob that changes the schedule to something like 0 0 1 1 * ? - which would amount to once a year on January 1st.


Employee Advisor

This workaround will just silence this message:

Set the loglevel for the class "com.adobe.granite.rest.impl.ResourceAdapterFactory" to ERROR.


Employee Advisor

That warning can be ignored. It's going to be fixed with a recent SP of AEM 6.4 (maybe already included in 6.4.3, haven't checked).



Level 3

Can confirm this is still an issue in AEM 6.4.3 (still have to check with 6.4.4). Thanks for the workaround though, we'll implement that in the meantime