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AEM 6.3 nodename not getting set


Level 4


I am using AEM 6.3. Recently, new content seems to not have the nodename property set correctly. I only know this circumstantially; I discovered this because the /siteadmin search stopped working on the names. The search uses /bin/querybuilder.json, with the node name going into the fulltext parameter. In some cases, with slightly older content, it works. But for newer content, it does not.

Then I tested with querybuilder directly.  When I have (older) content that works, all three of these queries give the same result:




But with (newer) non-working content, only the last one works.

Other bits of information: We have multiple environments, and on my local machine, it's not a problem... just our testing environment (that I know of). So I don't think the issue is in the content.

Also - if I take a piece of working content and change the name in crx/de, nodename/fulltext no longer works. But if I change it back, it will work again.

The main question is: How do I fix this?

Sub questions: What could cause this? And how can I best troubleshoot this?

Thank you.

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 4

Hi Matt,

We may like to check if in crx/de at path /oak:index/cqPageLucene has node property "corrupt" with some Date value then this index MUST be reindexed for indexing to work properly.

To reindex, we need to set the "reindex" node to "true" value from its default false. Which upon completion will be set back to false value.

We may find similar entry in error.logs
*WARN* [async-index-update-async] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.TrackingCorruptIndexHandler Ignoring corrupt index [/oak:index/cqPageLucene] which has been marked as corrupt since date.This index MUST be reindexed for indexing to work properly.

View solution in original post

3 Replies


Level 10

When you use QUeryBuilder API, do you get the same behaviour?


Level 4



Correct answer by
Level 4

Hi Matt,

We may like to check if in crx/de at path /oak:index/cqPageLucene has node property "corrupt" with some Date value then this index MUST be reindexed for indexing to work properly.

To reindex, we need to set the "reindex" node to "true" value from its default false. Which upon completion will be set back to false value.

We may find similar entry in error.logs
*WARN* [async-index-update-async] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.TrackingCorruptIndexHandler Ignoring corrupt index [/oak:index/cqPageLucene] which has been marked as corrupt since date.This index MUST be reindexed for indexing to work properly.