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AEM 6.3 -> 6.5.6 In-place upgrade - Issues with Copy/paste pages


Level 2

Hello peeps

We have been doing an in-place upgrade from AEM to AEM 6.5.6, during testing I have found an issue when I copy/paste a page from one location to another. I get this below error when I try to paste a page

Screen Shot 2020-09-30 at 11.11.45 am.png

The logs have not been really helpful even in debug mode. The same issue happens when I try copy/paste assets from one location to another


When I start up a standalone AEM 6.5.6 instance and upload all my content to it, then copy/paste page/asset works well.

I have seen all the bundles and they are all in Active state, not sure what the issue is with the in-place upgrade.


Thanks in advance

7 Replies


Community Advisor

Can you check reference-service-user user and its permission?

Arun Patidar


Level 2
Hi Arun


Level 2

Hi Arun

Sorry for the other comment, I didn't mean to say just 'Hi' it just submitted the comment when I pressed enter


So the reference-service-user or reference-search-service users don't exist in my local AEM 6.5 setup either but the copy/paste page works well. This copy/paste issue is only happening in the in-place upgrade staging environment.

I only have below reference related service users in both the local and in-place upgrade environment and these both have similar access permissions in both the environments -






Community Advisor

Hi, I meant Can you check 'content-reader-service' user and its permission.

Please check error logs as well for errors.




Arun Patidar


Level 2

Thanks Arun,

I have had a look in my local standalone 6.5 instance and my staging in-place upgrade instance of AEM 6.5. I compared the content-reader-service user accesss/permissions and found them to be exactly same.


Screen Shot 2020-10-07 at 2.09.27 pm.png


Error logs just spit out one line when I try to paste the page -

07.10.2020 14:06:59.765 *DEBUG* [ [1602040019764] POST /bin/wcmcommand HTTP/1.1] com.myob.core.filters.LoggingFilter request for /bin/wcmcommand, with selector null


Thanks again 


Level 2

Hello guys, any help here would be greatly appreciated.


Level 2

Hello @arunpatidar ,


Thanks for the pointer, it seems that the reference-search-service is a subservice which is bounded by service user content-reader-service.



When checked from system/console/configMgr and compared this against a standalone AEM 6.5 instance, the below mapper was missing:

Mapping: com.day.cq.dam.cq-scene7-core:ips-jobs-journal-service=[workflow-process-service,dynamicmedia-config-service], com.day.cq.wcm.cq-command:reference-search-service=[content-reader-service]


The move and copy/paste functionality started working correctly after we added this configuration.


Thanks again