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AEM 6.3 backup curl command with source,target paths and delay


Level 3

Can somebody share the working curl command to take backup in AEM 6.3, need to give source directory(repository directory), target directory and delay.

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by

Can't you use the JMX bean for backup ? You should be able to create a curl command for that mbean

View solution in original post

11 Replies


Level 10

To backup AEM data - follow the AEM docs here: Backup and Restore


Level 3

Thanks, it does not meeting my requirements, I used the below curl command in 6.1 which is not working in 6.3, can you help.

/usr/bin/curl -ku admin:admin --data "delay=0&force=true&installDir=/apps_01/webapps/crx-quickstart&target=/apps_01/backups/6_3_online_backup/crx-quickstart" "/libs/granite/backup/content/admin/backups"


Level 3

we used to automate using the above curl command in 6.1 but it breaks in 6.3, can you please advice what can be done here.


Correct answer by

Can't you use the JMX bean for backup ? You should be able to create a curl command for that mbean


Level 3

there is no jmx mbean with these 3 inputs(source,target and delay).


Level 3

also, I'm trying to use this jmx mbean which has source and target input alone. but not sure how to pass those two inputs. can you advice.



Level 2

what is the error you are getting ?


Level 3

I found a way to pass source and target, anyhow jmx already have another curl command to set delay alone, I will use that, thanks for your time and support.


Level 1

what is the command


Level 1

Hi Dinesh ,

The right URL to use in AEm 6.3 in order to invoke a backup using a curl command is

curl -u $CQ_USER:$CQ_USER_PASSWORD -X POST -F "target=$CQ_BACKUP_FOLDER/" -F "force=true" -F "delay=1" http://$HOST:$PORT/libs/granite/backup/content/createBackup/content/items/backupform.html


Level 1

Thanks anudeepyeleti --

For me this was the correct answer. It's too bad the mentioned Backup & Restore document does not contain this command, as it's the one most likely required (at least ... it's what I needed). I don't think too many people want a .zip file of their entire repository, when it's hundreds of gigabytes large.

Adobe: Please include the command @anudeepyeleti provided above in the mentioned Backup & Restore document.

Can anyone provide the similar cURL command that will cancel the backup?
