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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

aem 6.2 / updates to human translations are broken


Level 1

Hi all

i am struggling with following issue: in aem 6.2, it is not possible to update an already completed human-translation! translation project

reproduce with:

1. have a multi land site, say "en" and "fr" (mine is a swiss site, and swiss sites are "en" "de" "fr" "it" ("es") as standard)
2. make a new! "en" page like mypage (as a new never before translated page) and edit it
3. go to "references" language-copies > create & translate > select "fr" additionally > select create a new translation project > choose a title > press create
4. go to the newly created project > go to "fr" > in translation job (arrow dropdown) > export, unzip, change the code locally, zip again and import > in -ellipsis- select everything and press accept-translation > in translation job (arrow dropdown) advance status to complete
>> checkpoint here: the "fr" version of mypage is there in the "fr" subtree and contains the changes imported with the zip
>> also there is no launches or something
5. go back to the "en" version of mypage > select > go to references and > language-copies > select/check the FR > update language copies > select create a new translation object > enter new/different title > press start
>> new project is NOT created! instead sometimes a launch is created or nothing at all is created
>> WHY???

any help on this topic is greatly appreciated. as the translation features would be the only reason for us to step up to 6.2

many thanks to everyone

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