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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

AEM 6.2 Communities Comments Component


Community Advisor

Hi All,

I am trying to utilize the OOTB comments component and checking its behavior as per desired requirement. 

I created a new user from the publish instance and did not provide any specific permissions to the user. The user is just part of "everyone" group. At this point, the user is not able to view the names of other users who previously commented (just views as "Unknown" as name), but able to view current comments with an ability to flag or reply (as allowed) . I had to create a new group with permissions to read "/home/users" and add that group to the user's group list. After this I can see the names of the users who commented.

I have a question that, Do the users in publish need to have to be a part of any group to view the comments appropriately? Or did I just had to let the users have permission to "home/users" (through a new group)?

Please let me know if any one has an insight..Thanks

(I am using cq-socialcommunities-pkg-1.10.111.zip on AEM 6.2)

3 Replies




Were the previous posts created using Author instance ?

OOTB, You shouldnt be doing anything specific to view profile information of other users. But if User Profile node is read restricted in your environment, then you might have to grant your new user the permission to view profiles.



Community Advisor

@Arun - Hi..I created posts in publish instance. I noticed that if I added posts in author instance such behavior happens too.

            Thanks for your reply. I rechecked the permissions too. The user profile node permissions are not restricted but just not available to new users (for /home/users path) when created

@JK - Thanks a lot for the link. I got some new info.


I see that the new members of the community must be created under path "/home/users/community" However, for the current users in my instance - I created users under "/home/users" and by default part of an "everyone" group with basic read rights to content pages. May be that is the problem?? If I want to keep it that way, I need to have new/current users have read access to /home/users since thats where the user name information is available ? (I wonder)

Also I am testing the component at http://localhost:4503/content/we-retail/community/en/blog.entry.html/2016/12/05/0ipc-if_there_isoneq... under communities on publish and on my custom project site pages which does not come under communities.


Thanks again..