Hello All,
need to implement customized fields for links inside RTE component in 6.5 cloud version. I followed this article: https://experience-aem.blogspot.com/2019/04/aem-65-touch-ui-rte-rich-text-editor-structured-content...
trying to add a checkbox called 1. Enabled tracking
2. tracking location dropdown
3. description field
But the problem is when i deploy this to dev/qa environments its really not showing ui in authors but i see the code is in crx/dev
please let me know if anyone has implemented this feature.
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Is the above snapshot from your Local?
Can you please share the component xml here. ?
Also try creating a package of your component in local and install on your lower Env. If that works then there's something that is missing from the code.
Hi, Yes that was from my local authors. I don't have access to create a package on lower env.
this the only .xml is have which is the existing and i have only added the link-dialog.js file and js.txt import path
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Hi @ashishperavali
Could you please check if there is dispatcher cache?
@ashishperavali Did you find the suggestions from users helpful? Please let us know if more information is required. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you have found out solution yourself, please share it with the community.
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