We have a requirement to add a domain name as a prefix via the Apache Sling Resource Resolver Factory. I am adding a path /etc.clientlibs/Project/clientlibs/://Environment_Link//etc.clientlibs/Project/clientlibs but its not working.
Can anyone help me how to achieve this? Is there any alternative approach to achieve this?
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This can be done using the Externalizer service, please refer this documentation for details on how to achieve this - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/implementing/dev...
Hope this helps!
Hi @DPrakashRaj ,
Currently the scripts are being shared as /etc.clientlibs/Project/clientlibs/://Environment_Link//etc.clientlibs/Project/clientlibs and working fine in all the environments. Some of the content is being shared to other CMS too and hence their is a need to add the domain name as a prefix so that the scripts gets loaded explicitly.
Domain name as prefix for all resource paths?
can you explain the use case as relative paths automatically get prefixed with domain name .
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