Hello, I am attemping to integrate Adobe AEM with Adobe Launch via Adobe I/O.
I have followed the documentation and have gotten to the point where, after being provided with the Adobe I/O informations to complete my IMS Configuration, I am able to successfully retrieve the JWT, as shown in the picture.

In order to do this, since our machines operate behind a proxy, I had to add a configuration under Apache HTTP Components Proxy Configuration as illustrated below:

Consequently, I have procedeed to create an Adobe Launch Configuration. I went in Tools>Cloud Services>Adobe Launch Configurations
I specified a name and the previous IMS Configuration, and was expecting to see some options populating the Company and Property fields, since I know that AEM should authenticate behind the scenes:

Unfortunately, nothing happened. I went to check the logs to see what could have gone wrong and I found this error:

The cause of the error seem to be that access to the requested resource is forbidden (status 403):

Has anybody encountered this issue before and was able to solve it?
I am not currently able to pinpoint to a cause. Are there specific configurations on Adobe Launch that would allow access to AEM? Might the proxy be at fault for this?
Thank you for reading and my appreciation for any suggestion you might be able to provide,