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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Single article preview


Level 3

Hello friends.

I´m looking for help about a very simple collection setup. I don't know what I´m doing wrong...

I have one collection with a single article inside.

I´m trying to open the collection and the article too, without the screen with the article card. For now, there's only one article and there is no reason to have a layout with one single link.

There is what happens...

When I tap over the collection card, the application opens a blank layout, with the single article card.

I return to the previous screen, and tap the collection card again. And now the application open the article.

In the COLLECTION PROPERTIES screen, there is an option named "Collection Open Default", where I´m setting to "Content view".

That's correct? There is another place to setup this option?

Thanks for any help.


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