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XML Documentation: Search/Replace Support for XML Markup


Level 2


Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary: The Search and Replace feature only allows writers to search and replace content in the author mode. However, this does not resolve use cases where XML tags must be replaced across multiple files. 
Use-case: The writer needs to replace a product name, which is in plain text, with a <keyword>. 
Current/Experienced Behavior: Search and Replace only works in author mode. 
Improved/Expected Behavior: Search and Replace can work in either author mode or source mode. 
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable):  
Customer-name/Organization name: Broadcom Inc. 
Screenshot (if applicable):  
Code package (if applicable):  




Hi @cyndit49612985 

Thanks for submitting this idea that seems to have interested a few other community members . While I appreciate your participation in the community I encourage you to submit this feature request as a discussion on the XML documentation community.  

cc: @JanAusky@robertk30941538@Emmanuelle, @rajashreen76599@tomkra@Colin17@Jolenerj       

Status changed to: Needs Info


Level 1


Please note: This idea has been created as a discussion in the XML Documentation Community which is the right bucket for XML related feature requests.. Please follow that thread to get updates.