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Guidelines for the Responsible Use of Generative AI in the Experience Cloud Community.

Sites: Let members of administrators group unlock every page which was locked from an editor


Level 3


Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary: Adjust the unlock of pages so that also member of administrators group can unlock
Use-case: An editor locks a page. Then he is not available due to e.g. sickness or vacation but the page needs to be updated urgently. Editor contacts AEM administrators of his company and requests the unlock. But, they are not able to help quickly as they have to contact SME or CSME or even have to raise a support ticket in order that someone who has access to admin account can do the unlock!
Current/Experienced Behavior: Currently only with the admin account your are able to unlock a locked page. So, even I'm member of the administrators group I can't do that. Instead I have to contact my CSME or even raise a support ticket. That takes too much time! And, it raises unneccessary efforts. I don't see the point why the administrators of the system are not allowed to do that!
Improved/Expected Behavior: Also members of the administrators group should be able to unlock every lock page independent who have locked it!
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable):  
Customer-name/Organization name: Carl Zeiss AG
Screenshot (if applicable):  
Code package (if applicable):  


Employee Advisor


Hi Lutz,


this feature is available already in AEM CS (since release 12255) . It's dependent on a Feature toggle, but this seemed to be active for all (?) customers already.





Thanks for proposing this idea
This has been reported to the engineering under the internal reference SITES-22135. The product team will triage this request to verify feasibility based on the prioritization model. This post will be updated according to the Jira request status.
Status changed to: Investigating