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Permission to remove replace button on assets


Level 1


Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary: New permission to remove the replace button on assets.
Use-case: We have a lot of squad working in AEMAACS and for some areas we need to have more granularity on the permission, for example some areas can't publish, others can't upload assets and some areas can't replace the assets, so we need to have this permissions on the access control.
Current/Experienced Behavior: We don't have this granularity to change this access level.
Improved/Expected Behavior: The expectation is to have an access profile created with the “Replace” option profile disabled, in order to eliminate the risk of accidentally replacing the campaign image. We are currently exposed to this risk at all times.
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable):
Customer-name/Organization name: Santander S.A
Screenshot (if applicable):
Code package (if applicable):