Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary: |
We have a requirement, where the authors want by default the folder structure in an alphabetical order while the user is performing any operations such as the "move" operation on files or folders. The current display is not helpful to them to find locations. They also want to default their different views to list in alphabetical order as an option. |
Use-case: |
1. As an author, I want to have the option to view my files and folders in alphabetical order by default, so that I can easily locate areas and not have to change the display to alphabetical each time.
2. As an author, I want to have the option to view my files and folders in alphabetical order by default when performing any operations such as move for example, so that I can easily locate areas.
Current/Experienced Behavior: |
1. The first time you load the sites or assets experience; you must change to list view and then sort on the column you desire to view in alphabetical order.
2. Anytime you load the sites or assets experience and perform an operation such as move on any folder(s) and/or file(s), you can only view locations in one way (whatever the default list view is here) and there is no way to change it.
Improved/Expected Behavior: |
1. Once a user sets their view and sort, it remembers the next time. I can set these options somewhere to toggle on/off and select which column to sort by.
2. By default, the locations are sorted by title or name. There should be options to set this or change it here as well while performing any operations on files/folders.
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable): |
AEM 6.5.20 |
Customer-name/Organization name: |
Code package (if applicable): |