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Make Target UI Obsolete for Owners of AEM


Adobe Champion


Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary: Make AEM + Target a truly seamless integration
Use-case: Delivering Personalized Experiences as Standard Content Management
Current/Experienced Behavior: User creates the default experience on an AEM page, creates XF in AEM, exports those XF in AEM, then swivels the chair over to the Target UI to create a Personalization Activity, selecting from the experiences exported from AEM to then deliver back to AEM.  This makes customers feel like Personalization is distinctly separate from Content Management, and that AEM and Target may "talk to each other" but are not truly an "integrated content marketing platform".
Improved/Expected Behavior:

Keep Target there behind the scenes, and even the UI for customers that don't have AEM.  But for customers that do have AEM, allow Activities to be fully created directly within AEM such that to a content author they don't even need to know that Target is a separate tool/technology.  I believe most, if not all of the APIs already exist to work with Target headlessly to create Activities, so let's just do those things inside AEM and not even talk about something called Target.


Having Target as a separate tool that needs to be learned is increasing the barrier of entry to personalized experiences.  Further, the more we can make personalization seem like just another "standard part" of content management, as opposed to some "special thing" you do with this other magical tool called Target, I think the more we'll see it used.

1 Comment





Thanks for proposing this idea

This has been reported to the engineering under the internal reference CQ-4349738. The product team will triage this request to verify feasibility based on the prioritization model. This post will be updated according to the Jira request status.

Status changed to: Investigating