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Improve Filter UX With A Pop-Out Modal


Level 2


Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary: As a user, I'd like to see my filters "pop-out" instead of remaining static so that I can pinpoint & work faster.
Use-case: When searching for assets, filters will be more visible to the user
Current/Experienced Behavior: User needs to look carefully for filter list
Improved/Expected Behavior: Filters will pop out in a modal or otherwise visible element so that they are easier to see and work with. 
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable): Adobe Experience Manager 2021.7.5607.20210705T063041Z-210600
Customer-name/Organization name: Accenture
Screenshot (if applicable):  
Code package (if applicable):  


Employee Advisor


Hi @MarkEdelstein ,


Thanks for proposing the idea but we would need some more details on the same to take it forward. I see that filters are always added in the search bar so that the user can keep a track of what filters are applied in search. Can you confirm if you are looking for something other than this? If so, maybe a screenshot or detailed steps to understand the requirement would be really helpful.



Status changed to: Needs Info


Level 2


Thanks for the follow up. I know the filters are already displayed, but this request was from a new user who would like the filters shown in a very obvious modal as opposed to where they are now. I think what they're looking for is a box showing which filters are active someplace lower on the screen. This is definitely a request made for the user's convenience. 


I hope that clarifies the request, at least a bit. Thanks for anything you can do in regard tl this request.