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Experience Fragments > AEM Site's Live + Language Copies


Community Advisor


Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary:

We create a new page under /content/soucedcode/language-masters/en called home . Within this page, we will drag in an Experience Fragment Component with the XFPath. In this scenario, we have XFPath = /content/soucedcode/experience-fragments/language-masters/en/button/master

When we language or live copy pages, the XFPaths should be updated as expected, but it is not. Now let's continue with the scenario.


Please note that we have the entire structure of the XF created

- /content/soucedcode/experience-fragments/language-masters/en/button/master

- /content/soucedcode/experience-fragments/language-masters/fr/button/master
- /content/soucedcode/experience-fragments/language-masters/es/button/master

- /content/soucedcode/experience-fragments/ca/en/button/master

- /content/soucedcode/experience-fragments/ca/fr/button/master
- /content/soucedcode/experience-fragments/us/es/button/master

Now after when the new page is created in language-masters, we will start performing the language copy /content/soucedcode/language-masters/en/home TO->> 
- /content/soucedcode/language-masters/fr/home

- /content/soucedcode/language-masters/es/home

We expect the referenced experience fragments to change the references with the correct values below, and it looks like it works as expected from here:

- /content/soucedcode/language-masters/fr/home
==  XFPath: /content/soucedcode/experience-fragments/language-masters/fr/button/master

- /content/soucedcode/language-masters/es/home

==  XFPath: /content/soucedcode/experience-fragments/language-masters/es/button/master

Okay now we are going to roll out the language copies pages to the different countries. Since these language copies are actually live copies within the language folders, the roll out mechanism will work as expected. Target pages: 
- /content/sourcedcode/ca/fr
- /content/sourcedcode/us/es

(Expected Results)
After the roll out, we expect that the experience fragments should have the XFPaths localized like the configurations below. In a perfect world the Live Copy and Language Copy mechanism should update the XFPaths as expected like what we see below:
- /content/sourcedcode/ca/fr/home
==  XFPath: /content/soucedcode/experience-fragments/ca/fr/button/master
- /content/sourcedcode/us/es/home
==  XFPath: /content/soucedcode/experience-fragments/us/es/button/master

(Actual Results)
In actual results, we are seeing that the XFPaths are not localized, and is referencing to the language-masters paths:

- /content/sourcedcode/ca/fr/home
==  XFPath: /content/soucedcode/experience-fragments/language-masters/fr/button/master
- /content/sourcedcode/us/es/home
==  XFPath: /content/soucedcode/experience-fragments/language-masters/es/button/master

Use-case: We have pages created in language masters which has an experience fragment inside of it. The experience fragment is referencing to the experience fragments language-masters path. When we Roll Out or Language Copy pages, we expect the references to update to the non language-masters structure.
Current/Experienced Behavior:

(Actual Results)
In actual results, we are seeing that the XFPaths are not localized after Roll Out or Language Copy executions. Look at this, this is still referencing to the language-masters paths:

- /content/sourcedcode/ca/fr/home
==  XFPath: /content/soucedcode/experience-fragments/language-masters/fr/button/master
- /content/sourcedcode/us/es/home
==  XFPath: /content/soucedcode/experience-fragments/language-masters/es/button/master

Improved/Expected Behavior: (Expected Results)
After the Roll Out or Language Copy, we expect that the experience fragments should have the XFPaths localized like the configurations below. In a perfect world the Live Copy and Language Copy mechanism should update the XFPaths as expected like what we see below:
- /content/sourcedcode/ca/fr/home
==  XFPath: /content/soucedcode/experience-fragments/ca/fr/button/master
- /content/sourcedcode/us/es/home
==  XFPath: /content/soucedcode/experience-fragments/us/es/button/master
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable): Latest AEMaaCS and AEM 6.5 SP Packs
Customer-name/Organization name: NULL
Screenshot (if applicable):  
Code package (if applicable):  
1 Comment


Community Advisor


@BrianKasingli We ran into this sometime back and ended up creating a custom rollout config that updates the references inside XFs.

@Jagpreet_Singh_  It would add great value if this can be made available OOTB.