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Excluding Assets from Smart Collection


Level 1


Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary: While some assets may satisfy the search requirements of a Smart Collection, they may not be wanted by the user that created the Smart Collection.
Use-case: As a user, I want to be able to exclude certain assets from a Smart Collection.
Current/Experienced Behavior: Users must make manual Collections or allow unwanted assets in Smart Collections.
Improved/Expected Behavior: The option to exclude specific assets from a Smart Collection.
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable): Adobe Experience Manager 2021.7.5607.20210705T063041Z-210600
Customer-name/Organization name: Accenture
Screenshot (if applicable):  
Code package (if applicable):  


Employee Advisor


Hi @klack 

Thanks for proposing the idea but looks like it conflicts with the actual functionality as smart collections uses a search criteria to dynamically populate assets and thats how it is different then a staitic collection so it won't make much sense to add/remove assets manually to smart collection. I guess a better idea to exclude would be to adjust the search criteria. 


Let me know if there are any additional thoughts on the same.

Status changed to: Needs Info




@klackWe are closing this ticket as we do not hear a response from you. Please reply with information asked on this thread to reopen it again. 

Status changed to: Declined