An Author should be able to set some preferences in the Action bar, such as sort alphabetically, always display in column view, alwas open the references sidebar...
When an Author opens a section, AEM will load them base on creation date and in Card view. An Author can click on the action bar to sort them alphabetically or to display them in column view; or any other configuration which help the author find the necessary resources. But when an author then navigates to another section or returns later during his day, the author always has to repeat the same task of clicking sort alphabetically, display in column view... If an an author could set his preferred sort of view, then he would not have to repeat these tasks every time.
Current/Experienced Behavior:
Repeated manual task of setting the view configuration in the action bar
Improved/Expected Behavior:
A saved preference so the author does not have to repeatedly set the view configuration in the action bar
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable):