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Admin-console: Being able to assign permissions to groups for Administrator-Roles and "AdobeIO Developers" - and to enhance permission handing in AdobeIO-DeveloperConsole




Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary:

1) Being able to assign permissions to groups for Administrator-Roles and "AdobeIO Developers"

2) to enhance permission handing in AdobeIO-DeveloperConsole

  • 20 program, 20 different partner-companies.
  • Every partner has 10 developers and devops whom might need to raise tickets for their environment (1 out of 20).
  • The role to be able to Create or See support tickets is "Support Administrator".
Generally one would think to create 20 groups and add 10 people to each of these groups. These groups allow :
  • AEM Administrator access (on DEVs and STAGE)
  • Support Administrator permissions
But this is NOT possible! You need to create these 20 groups and assign 10 people each.
But then you have to add "Support Administrator" to 200 individuals separately.
That makes NO SENSE!
In AIO-developer-console it is similar - as all these DEVS cannot be given "Full admin in the ORG".Now you need 3 devs for each project to be able to create and maintain AIO-projects.
The assignment could again be done using groups (one would think) - but one needs to do that individually!And - once a project in dev-console is created by one dev (once he has the right permissions - and some APIs do not even provide profiles!) - only THIS developer and the FULL-ADMINS can edit/maintain this project.
All other developers only have READ ONLY to the project - and would have to recreate it to make changes!
Current/Experienced Behavior: current understanding and behavior:
"when you add an admin, you will select one account for the job, not a group. there's no other option in admin console for this"
Improved/Expected Behavior: Being able to assign permissions to groups for Administrator-Roles and "AdobeIO Developers"
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable):  
Customer-name/Organization name: Various 
Screenshot (if applicable):  
Code package (if applicable):  





Thanks for proposing this idea
This has been reported to the engineering under the internal reference SITES-15647. The product team will triage this request to verify feasibility based on the prioritization model. This post will be updated according to the Jira request status.
Status changed to: Investigating


Level 1


Hi @kautuk_sahni,
I would really like to have this feature shortly as it would remove a lot of extra efforts for individual user right assignments and also improves the fail safe security.