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Add jcr:created to ntBaseLucene index or change DAM interface to use better index


Level 1


Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary: Our system has some DAM folders with more than 1000 PDFs in a single folder.  We are encountering an index error when using the default Assets interface.

This should occur in an AEM system with no custom code, provided that some DAM folders have huge numbers of assets in them.

The user opens Assets and traverses the system using various views. Some folders may fail to open in certain views.

Current/Experienced Behavior:

This appears in the log:

*WARN* [ [1693910873433] GET /mnt/overlay/granite/ui/content/tree.0.html/content/dam/document-library/corporate-pensions HTTP/1.1] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.Cursors$TraversingCursor Traversed 1000 nodes with filter Filter(query=select [jcr:path], [jcr:score], * from [nt:base] as a where ischildnode(a, '/content/dam/document-library/corporate-pensions') order by [jcr:created] desc /* xpath: /jcr:root/content/dam/document-library/corporate-pensions/* order by @jcr:created descending */, path=/content/dam/document-library/corporate-pensions/*); consider creating an index or changing the query


Subsequent investigation showed the most common places this query was coming from is:
/mnt/overlay/granite/ui/content/tree.0.html (117 in 4 hours)
/assets.html (97 in 4 hours)

Improved/Expected Behavior: Currently the system seems to pick the ntBaseLucene query, which doesn't have the jcr:created in the index.  Either that index should be changed, or the system should use the ntFolder index, which does have that.
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable): AEM 6.5 SP17
Customer-name/Organization name: Not disclosed
Screenshot (if applicable): N/A
Code package (if applicable): N/A
1 Comment





Thanks for proposing this idea
This has been reported to the engineering under the internal reference ASSETS-36086. The product team will triage this request to verify feasibility based on the prioritization model. This post will be updated according to the Jira request status.
Status changed to: Investigating