I am running into a warning during my PDF assembly and output process. The warning seems to exist for every page of the PDF document having a watermark. Here is the logging entries that can be found in the server.log file on our output server. Is there a way in the administration UI to set transparancy that I may have missed, a server configuration that needs to be updated, or is this something that needs to occur on the LC Designer side? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks! Richard
2013-11-26 08:59:16,516 INFO [com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.AssemblerServiceImpl] (http- ALC-ASM-N00-001: Execute: invoke() begin on thread http- 18278
2013-11-26 08:59:16,578 INFO [com.adobe.internal.ddxm.Executive] (http- DDXM_N00000: Started processing result named Return.pdf
2013-11-26 08:59:16,731 WARN [com.adobe.internal.pdfm.content.FormXObjectService] (http- PDFM_W06008: The Watermark request requires transparency; distortions in the colors may occur.
2013-11-26 08:59:16,734 WARN [com.adobe.internal.pdfm.content.FormXObjectService] (http- PDFM_W06008: The Watermark request requires transparency; distortions in the colors may occur.
2013-11-26 08:59:16,734 WARN [com.adobe.internal.pdfm.content.FormXObjectService] (http- PDFM_W06008: The Watermark request requires transparency; distortions in the colors may occur.
2013-11-26 08:59:16,750 WARN [com.adobe.internal.pdfm.content.FormXObjectService] (http- PDFM_W06008: The Watermark request requires transparency; distortions in the colors may occur.
2013-11-26 08:59:16,751 WARN [com.adobe.internal.pdfm.content.FormXObjectService] (http- PDFM_W06008: The Watermark request requires transparency; distortions in the colors may occur.
2013-11-26 08:59:16,769 WARN [com.adobe.internal.pdfm.content.FormXObjectService] (http- PDFM_W06008: The Watermark request requires transparency; distortions in the colors may occur.
2013-11-26 08:59:16,770 WARN [com.adobe.internal.pdfm.content.FormXObjectService] (http- PDFM_W06008: The Watermark request requires transparency; distortions in the colors may occur.
2013-11-26 08:59:16,771 WARN [com.adobe.internal.pdfm.content.FormXObjectService] (http- PDFM_W06008: The Watermark request requires transparency; distortions in the colors may occur.
2013-11-26 08:59:16,772 WARN [com.adobe.internal.pdfm.content.FormXObjectService] (http- PDFM_W06008: The Watermark request requires transparency; distortions in the colors may occur.
2013-11-26 08:59:16,773 WARN [com.adobe.internal.pdfm.content.FormXObjectService] (http- PDFM_W06008: The Watermark request requires transparency; distortions in the colors may occur.
2013-11-26 08:59:16,774 WARN [com.adobe.internal.pdfm.content.FormXObjectService] (http- PDFM_W06008: The Watermark request requires transparency; distortions in the colors may occur.
2013-11-26 08:59:16,791 INFO [com.adobe.internal.ddxm.Executive] (http- DDXM_N00001: Successful assembly of result named Return.pdf
2013-11-26 08:59:16,794 INFO [com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.AssemblerServiceImpl] (http- ALC-ASM-N00-001: Execute: invoke() end on thread http- 18278
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<DDX xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/DDX/1.0/"> <PDF result="result"> <PDF source="sourcePDF1"/> <PDF source="sourcePDF2"/> <Watermark rotation="30" scale="900%" opacity="25%"> <StyledText> <p>Confidential</p> </StyledText> </Watermark> </PDF> <?ddx-source-hint name="sourcePDF1"?> <?ddx-source-hint name="sourcePDF2"?> </DDX>
The watermark will not interfere with your existing PDF content because it will be placed behind the content. It is best to set the opacity of your watermark to a number less than 50 so that any text overlaying the watermark remains readable
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Does it solve the following Warning
2013-11-26 08:59:16,734 WARN [com.adobe.internal.pdfm.content.FormXObjectService] (http- PDFM_W06008: The Watermark request requires transparency; distortions in the colors may occur.
And The opacity will be sent by the Client
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Hi Richard,
Yes, You can set the transparency from the AdminUI for the document security but for assembler, you have to user DDX and you can use Assembler IVS to test the change . I will share the screenshot shortly.
How about testing from workbench?
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But if we are getting the input opacity from the client is more than 50 % what we can do
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Using workbench you can create a workflow and have dynamic values in DDX. Which can be updated on runtime.
Hope this will solve your purpose.
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I have a workflow already built and the DDX is as below
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.lang.String;
import java.lang.StringBuilder;
import java.util.List;
import com.adobe.idp.Document;
String QUOTE = "\"";
quote( String s ) {
return QUOTE + s + QUOTE;
generateDDX() {
Map watermarkProperties = patExecContext.getProcessDataMapValue("/process_data/watermarkProperties");
final StringBuilder ddx = new StringBuilder();
final String newLine = "\n";
ddx.append("<?xml version=" ).append( quote("1.0" ) ).append( " encoding=" ) .append( quote( "UTF-8") ).append( "?>" ).append( newLine );
ddx.append("<DDX xmlns=" ).append( this.quote( "http://ns.adobe.com/DDX/1.0/" ) ).append( ">" ).append( newLine );
ddx.append("<PDF result=" ).append( this.quote( "out.pdf" )).append( ">" ).append( newLine );
ddx.append("<Watermark").append( newLine );
ddx.append(" alternation=").append(this.quote(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkAlternation"))).append( newLine );
ddx.append(" fitToPage=").append(this.quote(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkFitToPage"))).append( newLine );
ddx.append(" horizontalAnchor=").append(this.quote(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkHorizontalAnchor"))).append( newLine );
ddx.append(" horizontalOffset=").append(this.quote(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkHorizontalOffset"))).append( newLine );
ddx.append(" opacity=").append(this.quote(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkOpacity"))).append( newLine );
ddx.append(" rotation=").append(this.quote(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkRotation"))).append( newLine );
ddx.append(" scale=").append(this.quote(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkScale"))).append( newLine );
ddx.append(" showOnScreen=").append(this.quote(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkShowOnScreen"))).append( newLine );
ddx.append(" showWhenPrinting=").append(this.quote(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkShowWhenPrinting"))).append( newLine );
ddx.append(" verticalAnchor=").append(this.quote(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkVerticalAnchor"))).append( newLine );
ddx.append(" verticalOffset=").append(this.quote(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkVerticalOffset"))).append( newLine );
ddx.append(" replaceExisting=").append(this.quote(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkReplaceExisting"))).append( ">" ).append( newLine );
ddx.append("<StyledText").append( newLine );
ddx.append(" color=").append(this.quote(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkColor"))).append( newLine );
ddx.append(" font-family=").append(this.quote(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkFontFamily"))).append( newLine );
ddx.append(" font-size=").append(this.quote(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkFontSize"))).append( newLine );
ddx.append(" font-stretch=").append(this.quote(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkFontStretch"))).append( newLine );
ddx.append(" font-style=").append(this.quote(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkFontStyle"))).append( newLine );
ddx.append(" font-weight=").append(this.quote(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkFontWeight"))).append( newLine );
ddx.append(" line-height=").append(this.quote(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkLineHeight"))).append( newLine );
ddx.append(" text-align=").append(this.quote(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkTextAlign"))).append( newLine );
ddx.append(" text-decoration=").append(this.quote(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkTextDecoration"))).append( newLine );
ddx.append(" text-indent=").append(this.quote(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkTextIndent"))).append( ">" ).append( newLine );
ddx.append("<p>").append(watermarkProperties.get("watermarkText")).append("</p>").append( newLine );
ddx.append("</StyledText>").append( newLine );
ddx.append("</Watermark>").append( newLine );
ddx.append( "<PDF source=" ).append( this.quote( "sourceDoc" ) ).append(">").append( newLine );
ddx.append( "<NoForms/>" ).append( newLine );
ddx.append( "<NoXFA/>" ).append( newLine );
ddx.append( "</PDF>\n</PDF>\n<DocumentInformation result='info.xml' source='out.pdf'/></DDX>\n" );
patExecContext.setProcessDataStringValue("/process_data/@base64Doc", watermarkProperties.get("inputPDF"));
patExecContext.setProcessDataStringValue( "/process_data/@assemblerDDX", ddx.toString() );
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Hi Santosh,
What's the challenge then?
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I am getting the below warning whenever we are making a watermark transaction.
2013-11-26 08:59:16,734 WARN [com.adobe.internal.pdfm.content.FormXObjectService] (http- PDFM_W06008: The Watermark request requires transparency; distortions in the colors may occur.
How to resolve the Warning
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Even with opacity?
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Yes Mayank
We are sending the Opacity as input . Right now i tried with sending the opacity less than 50 % Still i am able to see the warnings in Server. Do we need to send any value for transparency
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How about the result pdf? Is it distorted?
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The PDF looks good. But these warnings are coming up for every page. If the PDF has three pages we are getting three warnings on the server
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We can suppress the logs at server level if the functionality isn't impacted. What's the Apps server?
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The problem is they want to know why this warnings are coming up
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So If I understand correctly even after setting opacity you are getting the warnings?
Also does the warning stop coming when you do not invoke the API?
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When we are sending the opacity less than 50% also we are getting this warning
We only see the warnings when we invoke the workflow
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I think the warning is always going to come every time you use watermark in your assembler service
you could ignore this warning
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We have this warnings 8k-10k times a day. And our team is considering it might cause Performance and we want to know the root cause
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you could consider changing the logging level from warning to error and log a ticket with support
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