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watched folder aem forms jee


Level 2


we are working on a solution to convert a lot of different files to PDF/A.

The input to the process is a folder, containing the files.

The input-folder is stored as a list-variable with the documents

I am trying to get the name of the input-folder. Is there a simple way to this in workbench?



4 Replies


Employee Advisor

Hi Tommy,

Are using watch folder?


Level 2


yes, we are using watched folder.



Employee Advisor

So I assume your input to watch folder is file only? If not, can you give a input flow diagram for the process?


Level 1


we will have two ways to recieve documents.

Either they drop a folder with a name that represents the archive number.

We convert and validate the documents and return a list of documents to the result-folder.

Or we recieve singel files and we convert/validate and return a PDF/A.

I have found one way to get the foldername by using the attrrbute - wsfilename -  from the first document in the list.

We then extract the foldername from that string.

In most of the cases, it is good enough to use the %F\ as a parameter for the output-folder when we config the Watch folder endpoint.

But in some cases, we need to save the result folder some where else and that is the reason why I was looking for a way to get the name of the incoming folder.