Hi all,
Bear with me, I am fairly new to both Dynamics 365 and this connector.
I have run into a bit of an issue.
So I've done the following:
What I was expecting: For everything to work perfectly without a hassle.
What I got: Submission only happens to the Entity configured in the Submit action of the adaptive form despite the associations to any other Entity. (Hassle)
What else I tried: Submitting through "Invoke service"(My idea was for invoke service to return an id of newly submitted entry and assign it to a hidden field then make another call to submit to the Associated Entity using that Id). But that didn't work out well as per the following screenshot.
I went confidently to my Service to configure the return type but that was grayed out
So please help me out. Is it possible to enable the grayed out area? If so, Please explain how I can do that or maybe provide a link where someone does the same. If not, please help me with ideas of how I can get around my dilemma or a link where someone explains this.
Thanks in advance
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@Belinda_Please validate if your GET/PUT services are working fine using Test Model Object.
Please refer to the video at [1] .
[1]. https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/kt/forms/using/Integrate-AEM-Forms-With-Dynamics-365.html
@Belinda- Output Type of service can't be changed from FDM (Form Data Model). You need to implement following workflow