Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM IST
Power of Sensei in Adobe Forms - Automated Forms Conversion
Session Details
Adobe Experience Manager Forms, the industry-leading solution from Adobe helps to build end-to-end digital and onboarding journeys that deliver a personal touch to millions of customers. Most organizations only have a handful of forms that are optimized for multi-channel interaction, with a large collection still waiting to be optimized for a mobile experience. Our new feature Automated Forms Conversion can significantly accelerate time to value for your organization by transforming your forms into mobile-friendly adaptive forms at scale in just a few clicks. Join us to know more about how this Sensei (AI) powered feature can greatly benefit your customer, in this webinar with Adobe experts.
Kallool Medhi – Sr. Technical Partner Development Manager, Adobe
Kallool has 15+ years of experience in Digital Marketing and Content Management space. He currently focuses on helping partners realize our messaging around Experience Cloud Solutions, Product Evangelism, and Solution Enablement.