I would like to customize start/end of OOTB CQ5 user form component to start with certain custom components pre-populated when the 'form' component is drag/dropped on to the page. I currently have an over-laid /apps/foundation/components/form elements with start/end/actions customized. But I am to figure out way to add a component belonging to the FORM group, to the form start.......end to the page whenever a form is added to the page. I have tried using a <cq:include path= "customComp" resourceType="/pathto/customComponent" />to the jsp of the form-end component, this adds / shows the custom-component on display but does not perform the server-validations as it is not a separate node between the start and end nodes on the page, but a dynamically added one. This is basically to enforce/mandate the use of my custom captcha component whenever a form is placed on a page. thanks in Advance !