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generatePDFOutputBatch from com.adobe.fd.output.api.OutputService not working as expected.


Level 2



generatePDFOutputBatch function producing output documents double the amount of input map. Please find the scenario below sample code snippet.


I am sending two templates with xml data and expecting two PDF documents as output, but it's produce 4 documents. I am bit confused, Any help please. Thanks.


input Maps:

Map templates = new LinkedHashMap();

Map data = new LinkedHashMap();


templates.put("xyz", "xyz.xdp");

templates.put("abc", "abc.xdp");


data.put("xyz", new Document(xml1))

data.put("abc", new Document(xml2))


BatchOptions bo = new BatchOptions();



ret = outputService.generatePDFOutputBatch(templates, data, option, bo);



I am getting double the amount of documents in output like below metadata enties.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Created with Liquid Technologies Online Tools 1.0 (https://www.liquid-technologies.com) -->
<batchId />

<recordId />
<creationTime>01/02/24 17:18:14</creationTime>
<recordId />
<creationTime>01/02/24 17:18:14</creationTime>


<recordId />
<creationTime>01/02/24 17:18:16</creationTime>
<recordId />
<creationTime>01/02/24 17:18:17</creationTime>


3 Replies


Employee Advisor

batch is used to generate multiple pdf files from one xdp template and different data files




Level 2

you see my xml data contains just only one section of elements from a corresponding template. so i am expecting only one PDF out there, but it's producing two output PDFs like record 1 and record 2. 


Level 2

Can you explain how it's producing two PDF in my use case. Thanks